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TRASSIR Retail and Warehousing Solutions help to improve Security in the Indian region

TRASSIR is an Al Video surveillance, lot and software developer and security systems manufacturer. Since its launch in 2002, TRASSIR has grown to become a global with a presence in more than 42 countries, and all our company's advanced solutions are designed in-house. Our key principle is that modern security solutions should be engineered based on the concept of deep future-proofing and wide-spread compatibility between all system components. 

Companies in India are increasingly adopting artificial intelligence technologies for analyzing large datasets. In order to meet the customers' needs, TRASSIR also invests in Al technology development. 

Let's look closely at two industry sectors and see how TRASSIR Al based analytics can help to solve multiple customers' challenges. 

In retail, Al helps to automate demand forecasting, optimize pricing strategies and personalize offerings for customers. Retailers also actively use analytics to understand customers' preferences and behavior. Nowadays there a lot of security challenges in video surveillance industry for retail, such as ensuring the safety of visitors and staff, protecting the goods against theft, securing property against tampering, etc. 

All these factors lead to the following business objectives that are necessary: collection of customer data, data analysis, data visualization, transaction report, customer traffic analysis. We would like to present the most popular TRASSIR solutions for retail in Indian region: 

• Shelf Detector - module that analyzes shelf capacity and is used to provide timely reports about empty shelves. In the event of voids exceeding the specified value, the module sends notifications. 

• ActivePOS - the smart module enables synchronizing POS events with the video stream: POS events are sent to ActivePOS and go through a checklist based on given parameters. 

• TRASSIR Neuro Counter - this detector is based on deep learning neural networks, that detects and counts objects (people, cars, bicycles) entering or leaving a specified area or crossing a virtual line. 

• Face Recognition module for theft prevention - this module consists of FaceSDK to compare faces and Face Search to look for faces in the database from any angle, including profiles. 

Another industry we are going to look at today is warehousing, where infrastructure can be spread over a thousand square meters. Securing this large area can be an extremely complicated task. And so, warehouse owners actively use analytics to protect warehouses from various common threats, such as theft, pilferages, vandalism, damage of Inventory, fires, as all of those can cause serious financial losses. 

Installing smart surveillance system with the following TRASSIR modules can help you easily monitor any warehouse facility: 

• Sabotage Detector detects problems with the camera image. It draws the operator's attention with alerts and reports image issues: loss of camera focus, lens flare or covering, signal loss, etc. 

• Heat Maps - thermal analysis of video images. In dynamic mode - any moving object on the screen is highlighted with a warm tail area: the more activity recorded, the more intense the color. 

• TRASSIR Bag Counter a module that allows bags or similar objects on the conveyor to be automatically counted. It eliminates errors associated with manual counting of shipped goods. 

We have an accomplished history of providing solutions for different businesses such as festivals, public institutions, fast food chains, and TRASSIR is proud to be a part of every project that promotes safety. 

Going forward, TRASSIR aims to use the knowledge gained from finished projects to contribute to greater security in India, which can be further extended to facilities all around the globe. 

Order a free remote demonstration of TRASSIR products: 

(This "Corporate news" Published in February 2024 Edition)