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Ganz® A Leading Manufacturer of Intelligent Security Systems

Ganz®, a leading manufacturer of intelligent security systems, announced the release of GanzCloud® 2.0, a cloud-based machine learning search engine powered by Camio. This release adds new features and enhancements to GanzCloud's numerous capabilities, powering proactive threat detection and in-progress event mitigation.

Using Camio's advanced, containerized AI video processing pipeline, GanzCloud® 2.0 adds real-time natural language search capabilities to any security system. In addition, it features precise alerts, secure cloud storage, fast search, and algorithms that learn to prioritize critical events. New features include Pan/Zoom using any browser without proprietary software, G-Suite Directory integration, and Simulcast, which makes a single camera stream available for multiple functions simultaneously.

GanzCloud® offers packages for 1MP, 2MP, and 5MP recording with multiple storage options. All packages include Human and Vehicle detection, Object Classification, and additional standard features such as real-time alerts, easy access to live video streaming from any device, and data dashboards.

“Camio's advanced AI and cloud-native infrastructure coupled with Ganz's market-leading, holistic approach to physical security deliver all the advantages of modern VSaaS in an easily deployable package," added Carter Maslan, Camio CEO.

Ganz® customers can now receive real-time alerts on any device or browser and instantly review event summaries for fast event triage. GanzCloud® 2.0 helps solve urgent security problems like unauthorized access (tailgating) and false alarms and provides tools for multi-property monitoring and occupancy insights.

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(This "Corporate News" Published in December 2022 Edition)