Expert Talks Details

Personal emergency Evacuation plans And The crucial role of Evacuation chairs

- by K.P. Dominic

In the event of an emergency, such as a fire or natural disaster, the safety and well-being of every individual in a building should be the utmost priority. Unfortunately, not all buildings are equipped to ensure the efficient and safe evacuation of all occupants, especially those with mobility impairments. This is where Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS) and the importance of evacuation chairs come into play. In this article, we will explore the significance of PEEPS and why every building should have evacuation chairs readily available. 

The Importance of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS) 

Inclusivity and Accessibility: 

The primary purpose of PEEPS is to cater to the needs of individuals with mobility challenges or disabilities. These plans are personalized strategies that take into account an individual's unique circumstances, ensuring their safe evacuation during an emergency. Whether someone uses a wheelchair, crutches, or has difficulty navigating stairs, PEEPs ensure that everyone can exit the building safely. 

Legal and Ethical Responsibility 

For building owners and managers, providing a safe environment for all occupants is not just a moral obligation but a legal requirement in many jurisdictions. Failure to accommodate individuals with disabilities can result in legal consequences. PEEPS demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity and can protect against potential legal issues. 

Peace of Mind 

Knowing that there is a plan in place specifically tailored to their needs can greatly reduce anxiety for individuals with mobility impairments. PEEPS provide a sense of security, allowing everyone to feel confident about their safety within a building. 

Efficient Evacuation: 

In multi-story buildings, stairs can become a significant obstacle for individuals with mobility challenges. Evacuation chairs are designed to overcome this hurdle. These specially designed chairs are equipped with wheels and can be easily maneuvered down staircases, ensuring a swift and efficient evacuation process. 

India stand on disability Act 

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 is a comprehensive legislation that aims to ensure equality, non-discrimination, and full participation of persons with disabilities in various aspects of life. It recognizes a wide range of disabilities, including physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disabilities, and covers issues such as education, employment, accessibility, and social security. 

The Role of Evacuation Chairs

The new amendment in RPWD, makes it mandatory for websites, apps, and technology-based public services in India to be accessible for people with disabilities. The amendment also includes plans for government agencies to buy technology and services that are accessible. Various initiatives, like the "Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan" (Accessible India Campaign), are underway to improve accessibility for people with disabilities in India.

User-Friendly Design 

Evacuation chairs are engineered with the user's comfort and safety in mind. They feature secure harnesses, comfortable seating, and brakes to prevent accidental rolling. Trained personnel or even other building occupants can use these chairs to assist those with mobility impairments during evacuation. 


Evacuation chairs are versatile and can be used in various building types, including offices, schools, hospitals, and residential buildings. They are compact and can be stored near stairwells or other evacuation routes, ensuring they are readily available when needed. 


Emergency cannot be Planned but Preparedness can be 

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) and evacuation chairs are essential components of any comprehensive emergency preparedness strategy for buildings. They not only ensure the safety and well-being of individuals with mobility challenges but also contribute to the overall inclusivity and accessibility of the building. Building owners and managers must recognize the importance of PEEPS and invest in evacuation chairs to create a safer environment for everyone. In times of crisis, a well-executed PEEP and the presence of evacuation chairs can make all the difference in saving lives and reducing the risk of injuries during evacuation. 

(This "Expert Talk" Published in February 2024 Edition)