
You need to believe in yourself, and the rest will follow

Deepika Goenka, Director, Co-Founder of Secure Ingress Pvt. Ltd.

Deepika Goenka, Director, Co-Founder of Secure Ingress Pvt Ltd. Holds a Master’s Degree in mass communication from Gujarat University. Deepika is a successful entrepreneur with several years of experience in Filmmaking. Her creative background is complemented by her evolved technical skills in IT. She earned a Diploma in Software Development.

Deepika handles the India Operations and business of Secure Ingress Pvt. Ltd. which she co-founded with her partner Hardik Raval, in 2016. Together they bring a unique set of complementary skills and experiences to the Secure Ingress Family and have been working to serve the extensive, commercial, industrial and residential community.

What leadership skills do you think are important as a female leader? What advice do you have for women aiming for leadership positions?

Since, childhood our parents pushed to do all our jobs by ourselves whether its fixing electrical or plumbing issues at home or going to the bank. And this made all of us believe in ourselves. Now, there is nothing which I believe I cannot do. I abide by the statement that “You need to believe in yourself, and the rest will follow.” When we started this business of in the field of ELV and firefighting systems, we had no background, and we learnt our lessons the hard way with our experience. But I never felt that I was treated differently because of my gender. It’s part and parcel of the life that you fall at places and rise at others. I don’t see gender or being a female as any kind of hurdle for me. I rather feel it gives me an edge to understand things better with a different perspective. Yes, there are very few females at the senior position in the industry, but things are changing gradually. For women entrepreneur, I would like to say this is the beginning and would like to quote Robert frost here that “I have miles to go before I sleep… “The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try.

(This "Women's Quotes" Published in March 2023 Edition)